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List genres

GET /v0/genres

The genres endpoint allows your users to browse the music catalog based on genres like rock, hiphop or acoustic.

Genres are nested and both parent and child genres are returned in the response. Parent genres have cover art that you can show in your interface.

By specifying the “type” of genres you want to display, you can choose to show all genres in the Epidemic Sound library, only the genres that are featured on or only the genres that are available for your free tier tracks.

Query Parameters
  • sort string

    Possible values: [alphabetic, relevance]

    Default value: relevance

    Sorting options. Available values: alphabetic, relevance

  • order string

    Possible values: [asc, desc]

    Default value: asc

    Order options. Available values: asc, desc

  • type string

    Possible values: [all, featured, partner-tier]

    Default value: all

    Types to filter by:

    • all - all the objects in the Epidemic Sound library
    • partner-tier - objects available to the partner within their tier
    • featured - only objects featured and curated by Epidemic Sound
  • limit int32

    Max number of entries returned in the response, default 20 and max 20

  • offset int32

    Index of the entry track in the response


Track genres response

  • genres object[] required
  • Array [
  • id string required
  • name string required
  • parent object
  • id string required
  • name string required
  • images object
  • default string
  • L string nullable
  • M string nullable
  • S string nullable
  • XS string nullable
  • images object
  • default string
  • L string nullable
  • M string nullable
  • S string nullable
  • XS string nullable
  • ]
  • pagination object required
  • page int32 required
  • limit int32 required
  • offset int32
  • links object required
  • next string nullable
  • prev string nullable